The importance of training staff in cybersecurity

Training Staff in Cybersecurity

If you own a business and are serious about cybersecurity, it is imperative that you train new staff members to tackle online threats. Even if you’ve purchased all of the latest IT security software to protect your business, you will remain vulnerable to threats unless your entire workforce is alert to the cunning ways in which cybercriminals operate.

It is likely that many employees in your business will need to handle sensitive data on a daily basis in order to do their jobs properly. As such, it is only common sense that you train them to look after data, teaching them a few digestible cybersecurity basics to ensure the continued integrity of your organisation.

We’ve put together a list of some of the most common cybersecurity weak spots amongst office workers to help you curate a training programme that works.

1. Identity confirmation requests

It is all too easy for call-centre workers or HR professionals to forget to confirm the identities of callers before handing over sensitive information. Attackers may pretend to be customers requesting their own personal information, for example, a common tactic that employees should be made aware of.

2. Installing programmes

Employees should be taught only to install programmes from trusted sources. Although many organisations restrict the ability of staff members to download and install new software onto the company’s operating system, workers in certain roles will need to use new programmes on a regular basis and should, therefore, undergo enhanced cybersecurity training.

3. Passwords

It should go without saying that employees need to create strong passwords to protect the integrity of your IT infrastructure. Try recommending the following tips to help them come up with something robust:

– Don’t use the same password across different accounts (including, for example, the company social media accounts)
– Avoid passwords with personal information such as birthdays
– Use a combination of numbers, symbols, upper case letters and lower case letters

4. Security copies

All too often, workers make security copies of important documents on USB drives in the mistaken belief that this will protect them from data loss. USBs are very easy to lose and are an old-fashioned way of protecting information. Teach your employees about the power of saving information to the cloud.

Reach out to Rapid IT today

If you’re interested in optimising your IT systems for the benefit of workers and your business, get in touch with Rapid IT today!

4 ways online IT help desk services can benefit you

4 ways online IT help

The benefits of using experienced and qualified online help desk IT support services are varied, but ultimately, by contacting the right people quickly, you can often save both valuable time and money.

By using an outsourced IT help desk, you are utilising IT services only when you need them, which lowers your operational costs in terms of staffing and resources. It also allows you to focus more time on your core business processes.

IT help desk services can allow your business to be more efficient, improve security and system agility, and ensure IT regulatory compliance requirements are met. IT support services can also ensure you are using the most up to date technologies to meet your specific business needs.

Rapid IT Support provides an Australian-based, enterprise-grade IT help desk for large enterprises, small-to-medium (SME) businesses and home computer support.

Below are 4 ways IT help desks can help you with your IT requirements:

1. Fixing speed problems

If your computer is running slowly, an IT help desk may suggest a number of PC troubleshooting methods you can try to improve the speed and performance of your computer. There may also be underlying issues in your network or server that need resolving, which can be identified and fixed quickly.

2. Anti-virus software

It is important to have the right anti-virus software for your business as this will not only block viruses but also help to prevent phishing attacks, help manage spam or unwanted advertising and prevent hacking. Help desk IT support can help with anti-virus setup and removal, and advise about overall computer security, including firewall installation.

3. Email management

Online IT help desk support can advise and assist you with the appropriate setup and management of an email solution for your business.

4. Backup and recovery solutions

A system crash or hard drive failure could be very damaging to your business, so it is very important to have a backup strategy in place. Rapid IT Support can discuss backup and recovery solutions with you.

Get in touch with our team of friendly experts at Rapid IT Support today.

3 signs that your computer may have a virus

3 signs that your computer

Computer viruses use malicious software to damage your computer and steal personal information from you. Unfortunately, viruses are very common and can sometimes get through even the best anti-virus software. If you are worried that your computer may have a virus, continue reading for the tell-tale signs.

Random pop-up windows

A key symptom of a computer virus is unexpected pop-up windows that appear on your screen. These windows may seem innocent but can actually be very sinister. Often, a virus will imitate anti-virus software and claim that you have threats on your computer. The pop-up may encourage you to click a link which can expose your personal information. No real security provider would ever ask you to call a customer service number, so bear this in mind.

Computer running slowly

You may notice that your computer is running significantly slower than usual. Often, malware will slow down your operating system, as the virus is working in the background. You may also find that your computer is crashing frequently, or automatically restarting without you asking it to. A lack of hard disk space is also a key sign of a virus.

Malfunctioning computer

If your computer has started to malfunction, it could be caused by a virus. The computer may start to open files on its own, open internet sessions, or send emails without your knowledge. If you find that you have been blocked from anti-virus websites, this could be a key indicator that you have a virus. Viruses can change your browser settings and make anti-virus websites inaccessible to prevent you from removing the virus. Other viruses may alter your computer’s DNS settings or add new entries to the host file of your operating system. This can severely damage your computer in the long term.

If you need assistance with virus removal from your computer, then Rapid IT Support can help. We provide business IT support across Australia, with a 24-hour service. For more information, contact us today.

3 myths about managed service providers

managed service

Companies of all shapes and sizes are beginning to reap the benefits of hiring a managed service provider to help improve the efficiency of their in-house team, but there are still a number of myths circulating the web about this unique service.

All MSPs are the same

Although management services are the core offering for most MSPs, each provider will have their own area of expertise, so they can vary widely. Choosing the right MSP for your unique needs requires a little research. Once you know exactly which services and tasks your business requires, you can start to look for the MSPs that meet your criteria perfectly. For example, if you are a healthcare provider, then selecting an MSP with proven experience working with health care systems is essential to make sure that they know the ins and outs of your industry.

MSPs are there to replace your IT staff

MSPs are not a replacement for your internal staff. They are simply a support system for your internal team members and are there to free up their time so that they can focus on more important business tasks. An MSP will give your staff the freedom to prioritise your activities and tasks in order to give their overall performance a boost. IT support and computer repairs are commonly outsourced to managed service providers so that your in-house team members can concentrate on the tasks that they are most skilled at.

Hiring MSPs gives you less control over your business operations

When considering hiring MSPs, it is important to remember that you are not giving up control, you are merely outsourcing the work. However, if you do not effectively manage your MSP effectively, this could lead to a loss of business control, so it’s important to communicate with your MSP openly and frequently in order to successfully outsource your tasks. It is also important to communicate with your in-house team about the services that have been outsourced and which responsibilities they still hold so that you don’t run into any issues further down the line.

Rapid IT is an online-only IT Helpdesk that serves all of Australia’s states with our 24-hour remote IT support service. For more information, get in touch with our team today.

3 troubleshooting tips for fixing your own computer

Troubleshooting tips

With most people in the world being reliant on their computers, it’s always an issue when something goes wrong – and this seems to happen quite often. While every system is different, some problems have the same cause, and these can sometimes be fixed by some simple troubleshooting. While we can offer professional help, you may want to use these tips as your first point of call:

1. Update your software

Keeping your software up to date doesn’t just fix current problems, it can also prevent future ones. To avoid having to check on this all the time, try and make sure that your software and applications are set to update automatically, which is now an option with most computers. If your computer reboots when you weren’t expecting it to, it might have just been completing an update, so don’t panic too quick.

2. Run a virus scan

A lot of computer problems can be caused by viruses, including slowdowns or crashes. For more information on how to recognise the signs of a computer virus, check out this article. If your computer is showing any of these signs, it’s worth running a virus scan.

When running a virus scan, it’s important to do the most thorough scan possible, which tends to be the one that takes the longest time, as it tries to check out most files. This is sometimes not the scan your computer is set to run, so make sure to double-check the settings and choose the most comprehensive one available.

3. Test your Wi-Fi

If possible, try plugging your computer straight into your router using an Ethernet cable. By doing so, if your internet still doesn’t work, then the problem needs to be taken up with your service provider. However, if other devices are working fine, you now know that there is a problem with your specific device. It’s often a good idea to try all of the simple troubleshooting tips – switching your Wi-Fi off and on, rebooting your computer and updating the software – before eventually seeking professional help.

If these troubleshooting tips don’t work, get in touch with Rapid IT Support for our assistance.

5 pre-installed Windows applications to make your business life easier

Pre-installed Windows applications

Working in a business environment is stressful enough, so here are 5 programs suggested by Rapid IT Solutions that are already installed on your Windows PC to make life easier in a pinch.

1. Sticky Notes

This one may seem quite well-known, but there are a lot of people that do not make use of this helpful application. Sticky Notes works just like you would think, you can write down quick notes on a variety of different colour pages to ensure you capture everything you need. Extremely useful if you are on a call and need to write something down quickly to refer to later, but don’t want to open up and wait for Microsoft Word to launch.

2. Snipping Tool

Ever found yourself in need of just a portion of an image, document, or webpage, but aren’t skilled with screenshotting, cropping, editing etc? Well, you should try using the Snipping Tool. This handy app lets you click and drag on a selected area, which will then enable that portion to be saved as an image or copied into an email/document.

3. Calculator

Now this one seems pretty obvious, right? But you may still find yourself using your phone to perform calculations in a pinch. The Calculator app can be pinned to the taskbar for easy access and makes for a wonderful tool to perform all kinds of calculations. A bonus is that it comes with varying tools such as currency conversion, scientific functions, and even a programmer function.

4. Paint 3D

The more advanced version of Paint that allows for some pretty varied ways to alter images and tune them to your desired requests. You could use this to get an image to your desired ratio to ensure compatibility with various programs or crop and alter it to better suit an individual client, but there are a multitude of functions here that you can use if you do not have a program like Adobe Photoshop.

5. Voice Recorder

Sometimes writing down notes just isn’t viable or fast enough, so you can use the inbuilt voice recorder app to take audio notes and save them for later reference or to send as a file to a colleague or client. Just make sure your computer/laptop has a microphone, most laptops will, but you can easily use a pair of headphones with an in-built mic.

That’s 5 programs already installed on your computer by default that can make life much easier, without even having to buy or download anything, but you can also call Rapid IT Support who are capable of providing a host of friendly IT advice for you and your business.

Why a business continuity plan is essential

business continuity plan

As the world becomes more dependent on online business, building organisational resilience is vital. The most effective way to do this is with a comprehensive business continuity plan. This approach helps you manage risk to essential business functions, allowing you to ensure service is not disrupted should a major incident arise. Here are four key reasons you should implement a business continuity plan.

1. Compliance with industry standards
Implementing business continuity standards ensures you are meeting current industry regulations. This is helpful even if you don’t have to adhere to specific standards. Your willingness shows stakeholders you’re a responsible business owner. And, this plan provides a blueprint, which if followed, guarantees your success.

2. Increase customer confidence
Companies that openly discuss ongoing business continuity improvements send a very positive message to customers. These businesses are saying: “We’re putting the right initiatives in place to continue being there for you.” This helps customers to feel comfortable with you, making them less likely to choose competitors.

3. Build employee confidence
Employees who understand your business continuity plan feel more confident working with you. The reason is, they know exactly what they need to do if a crisis ever comes up (i.e. natural disaster, economic problems, etc.). A business continuity plan also helps employees handle daily disruptions.

4. Improve brand value
Companies who are unprepared to handle problems risk appearing incompetent to the public. If a problem arises, potential and current customers see them stumbling through the process and mishandling communication. However, a strong business continuity plan ensures a smooth recovery and protects your brand’s value and public reputation.

5. Creates valuable business data

Business continuity activities create a lot of data. These include:

• Critical business units
• Recovery objectives
• Critical tasks
• The financial impact of a disruption, and more.

Basically, it’s a guidebook of your business’ operations. Another advantage of this data collection is it can be used in many ways, including: improving processes, planning strategic activities and developing appropriate responses to problems.

Could your company benefit from a well thought out business continuity plan? If so, call or email the team at Rapid IT Support today.

3 things to remember with anti-virus software

anti-virus software

Anti-virus is an essential part of your IT system. Also known as anti-malware, these computer programs help prevent and detect viruses and malicious software, keeping your devices and data safe. IT security is more important than ever. With this in mind, here are some things you need to remember when it comes to installing and maintaining your anti-virus software.

Think before you buy
There are plenty of options and companies in the anti-virus market, some designed for personal use and others for businesses. Take some time to find the best solution for you or your company. Your devices mustn’t be left without anti-virus software as this makes them vulnerable, so browse the market before purchasing your new computer or before your current software licence runs out.

Take into consideration the compatibility of the software with your devices. Remember that your smartphones and tablets need protection too. Cost is also a crucial factor, so consider which provider offers the best deal for the best service. If you are unsure which is best for you, reach out to Rapid IT’s support services and help desk for advice.

Uninstall old software
Remember to uninstall your old software before using your new one if required. Having multiple anti-virus programs running at once can cause conflicts between them, and in the worst case, the existing software can recognise the new file as malware. Make sure you instal your new software straight after you’ve finished installation, so you don’t leave your device vulnerable to malware.

Keep it updated
Software updates are essential in any technology but are crucial for anti-virus protection. They improve your software’s stability and fix patches in the older software. While removing outdated features, updates can improve the software’s functionality. Set a reminder in your calendar to check for anti-virus updates.

If you’re looking for a professional IT service, available across Australia 24/7 with free diagnosis, Rapid IT is for you. In the instance that your device does get a virus, call our friendly Australian technicians to help you remove it. Get in touch with our team today and have your techs support on demand.

How do I know if I’ve got a virus?

Computer viruses

Computer viruses have the potential to be highly destructive if unnoticed. New viruses are constantly surfacing and can affect your device without you knowing. There are often tell-tale signs that indicate your computer has been affected, and these tend to be similar across the board.

We’ve outlined some of these for you below:

Pop-ups and spams
While we often don’t think twice about pop-ups, some are designed to install software to steal personal information or passwords without your knowledge. Others can prompt you to download other software, which might actually turn out to be malware. Some legitimate websites automatically generate pop-ups, but these can mostly be blocked through your browser settings. If this isn’t working you might have an issue. Always think twice before downloading anything that is recommended by a pop-up.

Unknown programs start when you switch on your computer
If an icon or toolbar appears that you don’t remember setting up, you may well have picked up a virus. Keep checking the programs that are running on your computer so you know whether it’s time to take action. On Microsoft computers, you can use Task Manager on Windows to do this. On a Mac, this can be found in the activity monitor.

Poor computer performance
A computer battery should not be draining rapidly, so keep an eye out for this. A virus uses resources on your computer to multiply, causing your battery to drain quicker. Another common sign is frequent and random computer crashes. If you’re seeing that infamous blue screen too often, it might be time to get some help. If your computer is old, it might just be time to get a new one! But if speed wasn’t an issue in the past, you could have picked up a virus. In general, if your computer has been affected by a virus, it might take an annoyingly long time to start, and will still be slow when it does.

For advice or assistance regarding virus removal, or help with antivirus setup, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Rapid IT for support.

5 simple steps to improve your computer speed

computer speed

Technology is amazing these days, we have come leaps and bounds from where we were even just 5 years ago, but like with anything, age and degradation can pose some issues.

Here are 5 simple tips to speed up your slow computer:

1. Perform a hard drive defragmentation

Performing a simple defrag of your computers storage device will help to ensure all the data you have accumulated over the years is sorted back into an easy-to-read state for your device, which will help to improve its read speed.

2. Reduce the number of startup applications
We all know the common problem of booting up your computer only to be met with window after window of applications starting up, which can have a heavy impact on your boot time. By pressing Ctrl+Alt+Dlt you can access the Task Manager which will allow you to disable any unnecessary programs that are set to boot up when you turn on your computer.

3. Turn off visual effects
Newer versions of Windows sure do look pretty as they come complete with a host of animations and effects to make the user experience more pleasant. If you are experiencing issues with your computer speed though, it may be worthwhile disabling some of these features for the sake of improved performance.

4. Perform a virus and malware scan
It is quite common for your computer to become infected with various viruses and malware after years of use, of course, you want to avoid this by using a decent anti-virus program, but if you have neglected this then it could be well worth using one to perform a complete system scan and see if there are any issues that may be hogging your computers speed.

5. Remove unnecessary programs and files
It is almost unavoidable for a build-up of various programs and junk files to occur over years of using your computer, but there is a high chance you do not need some these anymore. Checking your currently installed programs and removing ones you no longer use or need is a good step, along with removing any files you don’t actually require.

If all else fails, you can always look into upgrading your current system if possible, like I said earlier, technology moves fast, so chances are if your hardware is over 5 years old then it may be time to consider an upgrade to get that desired quick computer speed.