Companies of all shapes and sizes are beginning to reap the benefits of hiring a managed service provider to help improve the efficiency of their in-house team, but there are still a number of myths circulating the web about this unique service.

All MSPs are the same

Although management services are the core offering for most MSPs, each provider will have their own area of expertise, so they can vary widely. Choosing the right MSP for your unique needs requires a little research. Once you know exactly which services and tasks your business requires, you can start to look for the MSPs that meet your criteria perfectly. For example, if you are a healthcare provider, then selecting an MSP with proven experience working with health care systems is essential to make sure that they know the ins and outs of your industry.

MSPs are there to replace your IT staff

MSPs are not a replacement for your internal staff. They are simply a support system for your internal team members and are there to free up their time so that they can focus on more important business tasks. An MSP will give your staff the freedom to prioritise your activities and tasks in order to give their overall performance a boost. IT support and computer repairs are commonly outsourced to managed service providers so that your in-house team members can concentrate on the tasks that they are most skilled at.

Hiring MSPs gives you less control over your business operations

When considering hiring MSPs, it is important to remember that you are not giving up control, you are merely outsourcing the work. However, if you do not effectively manage your MSP effectively, this could lead to a loss of business control, so it’s important to communicate with your MSP openly and frequently in order to successfully outsource your tasks. It is also important to communicate with your in-house team about the services that have been outsourced and which responsibilities they still hold so that you don’t run into any issues further down the line.

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