Data backup should be a priority for every Australian business. Viruses, hardware failure, and accidental deletions are just a few ways that your files can disappear. Should the unthinkable happen, it doesn’t mean your business operations have to be severely impacted. Instead, take some practical steps to prevent the future loss of data. We’ve pulled together five of our best tips for effective data backup.

1. Setup automated backups

Manually backing up data is tedious and often gets overlooked. Instead, ensure that your files are automatically backed up regularly. If you’re unsure how to set this up, call our team to discuss backup solutions that provide peace of mind.

2. Understand what data is important

Take some time to analyse your files and decide what’s important and needs to be preserved. Anything you’re unable to recreate easily or can’t do without should be backed up.

3. Reduce risk with an offsite backup

It’s good practice to backup data locally, on a physical server, so that you maintain control of it. But keeping a copy of your files offsite will avoid headaches if the local backup fails or your hardware lets you down. Also, in the event of an office fire, you’ll be back up and running much quicker with an offsite copy of everything.

4 Encrypt backups

When backing up data offsite, send it as an encrypted version. If hackers ever access your files, they won’t be able to use them. Encrypting backups won’t require extra work once automated, and it is an excellent way to secure your data.

5. Verify backup success

Although backup systems usually verify success on completion, this isn’t a stone-clad guarantee. Be sure to run a restore test at regular intervals to ensure the files are recoverable if the need arises.

Data loss can cost a business time and money without an effective backup system. Keep it simple and automate processes wherever possible. Taking some risk-reduction steps in advance will ensure that your business has minimal disruption should the unthinkable occur. If you’re short on time, then check out our managed services that take care of the job for you.